| 826-2061 | Service times: Sundays, 10:00

ITVAB 001: Lent

ITVAB 001: Pastors Mike and Matthew kick off our new podcast with a take on Lent.

What is lent? Where is it found in the Bible? Why do we practice this discipline? How best can we engage in this celebratory season? These are questions that Pastors Mike and Matthew answer in our first podcast for "In The Valley And Beyond".
Welcome to Episode 001 of the podcast. Listen here or on one of your favorite Podcast apps below. Just Search for In the Valley and Beyond! 


Shannon - February 22nd, 2023 at 2:48pm

Fantastic, WOW, just what I was needing today. Looking forward to hearing more God bless🙏🏼

Linda Harris - February 22nd, 2023 at 3:01pm

Thank you, M & M for your podcast, in 50 years that is the the first time I can remember hearing what Lent is was about & the why.

Michael Porter - February 22nd, 2023 at 7:03pm

Wow! Great job, Pastors! That was an informative lesson. I especially liked all of the suggestions for how to celebrate Lent. It was fun to hear you guys riffing off of each other. It sounded like you were sitting side-by-side in the same studio! Someday soon! :-)

Barbara gaines - February 22nd, 2023 at 9:46pm

Thank you for explaining Lint!!! Very good message

Jess O’Dell - February 23rd, 2023 at 4:51pm

Thank you, for doing this. I enjoyed the discussion on Lent and am looking forward to your future topics.