| 826-2061 | Service times: Sundays, 10:00

ITVAB 010: Anger and Hate

ITVAB 010: So much anger and hate surrounding us in this world. How do we, as children of God respond to anger and hatred? 

Welcome to Episode 010 of the podcast. Listen here or on one of your favorite Podcast apps below. Just Search for In the Valley and Beyond!
Hate and Anger is hard. When it is aimed at us it can be draining and a cause for stress and anxiety. It affects us mentally, spiritually and physically. So how do we respond then to hate and Anger? What should our response be when it is aimed at us personally, and what should our response be when we see hate, anger, and unrest in the news and the world around us?
Pastors Mike and Matthew discuss the affects of this unrest on us as people and our response to different types of discord.

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